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Tips and Strategies for Article Marketing

By Craig Ritsema

Article marketing can really boost your traffic, and it can also help you establish yourself as an expert in your field and gain exposure. If you write and distribute articles online, these thins are easily accomplished.
When you’re marketing with articles:
Make sure articles are quality: Don’t write articles just to build incoming links. Although this may be your main reason for writing and distributing articles, your articles should be quality not just for the sake of incoming links, but because other business owners will be encouraged to place your articles on their websites. This will generate both more incoming links and traffic.
Even better, your article may be earmarked for publication in a large offline or online publication. This puts you even more in the spotlight. Mediocre articles just don’t cut the mustard, and you don’t want “mediocre” to be associated with your name anyway. If you’re going to write and distribute articles, your articles should be worth your time and effort and work for you
Be the Expert: Remember that when you write, you’re the expert. Your job is to share your knowledge with your customers. Embody that expertise and make sure it shows in your writing. Remember that if you don’t think of yourself as an expert (and have the chops to back that belief up), no one else will, either.
Write Author Bios that Sell: When you write author bios, don’t settle for the same old name, rank and serial number plus website address. Use that space at the end of your articles to really sell yourself and make that reading as interesting as the article. Readers will be more persuaded by an interesting author bio to click over to your site and read more.
To write the best bio, be succinct but include something that will benefit the reader: “To learn more about building websites that sell, visit,” or, “For a free 15-page report on how you can make your website sell more, visit” Every word should focus on the benefit to the reader.


Unknown said...

Nice Tips and strategies !
wish you luck !